Welcome to Chittaranjan Park Bangiya Samaj
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Chittaranjan Park Bangiya Samaj (Regd.)
Address : C-405, Chittaranjan Park
New Delhi- 110019
Phone : 011-26271437, 26271438
Mobile No. : +91-9810358754
Email : bangiyasamaj@gmail.com

Shri Pranab Mukherjee laying the foundation of our building.
On Christmas Day, 1970 the idea that the new residents of East Pakistan Displaced Person´s Colony, (as Chittaranjan Park was then known) need a socio-cultural organization was mooted. Thus “Kalkaji Bangiya Samaj” came into existence in the drawing room of Shri Sudhir Banerjee (I-1631). The neighbourhood was barely a few months old and there were no more than two dozen families who mustered the courage to move into a place which lacked many basic civic amenities like water, electricity, roads and markets.
Moreover, security was a major issue for all residents as two frightful burglary attempts were made on the houses in B-Block a well as H-Block. These difficult circumstances did not deter this handful of Bengalis to crave for an exciting and meaningful social and cultural life. Bangiya Samaj was the creative venture which fulfilled the desire of the new residents. Thus an organization was established with Fanindranath Sanyal as the President, Santi Mazumdar as General Secretary and B.N. Mazumdar, N.C. Chaudhuri, N.C. Dasgupta, H.N. Chatterjee, M.R. Bhowmik, B.B. Chakraborty, P.C. Sengupta, C.R. Deb, S.K. Dey, Ashutosh Dutta, Sushil Bhattacharya, D.R. Dasgupta and Sudhir Banerjee as founder members.