We have learnt from yesterday, living for today and hope for tomorrow with your help ...
Dear Sir/Madam,
Chittaranjan Park Bangiya Samaj, a premier socio-cultural organization of Delhi, founded in 1970, has its own abode – Bangiya Samaj Bhawan – on a plot of around half an acre of land allotted by the Government of India in Chittaranjan Park.
The Samaj has been rendering pioneering services to the community at large in the fields of art, culture, sports, education and training, especially for the economically weaker sections of the society by providing library services, gymnasium, scholarship to students on merit cum means basis all across Delhi, conducting – health awareness campaigns, promotion of indoor and outdoor sports through training exercises and competitions on table tennis, carrom, chess, karate and football etc, tutorial classes for the economically weaker sections, cultural and entertainment programmes like dance recitals, production and staging of dramas, and active participation in drama competitions across India, food festivals, handloom expos and the famed – Poush Mela. The services to the community are solely with a social welfare perspective, without any prejudice to cast, creed, religion or region.

Need for a full fledged habitat with adequate facilities for delivery of better and more effective services to the society.
The Samaj took up the construction of its building (First Phase) as per approved building plans by the MCD and could complete only a portion (about 50%) of the planned building by 2002 with donations from well wishers and philanthropists without taking any loan from any source. Due to the expiration of the validity of various permissions /sanctions we had to arrange for these permits afresh. We are happy to state that as of date we have necessary clearances and permissions for starting the unfinished Phase II of our building project from L & DO and other authorities.
Projected Cost and Proposals for Mobilisation of Funds:
The second phase of the building project consist of basement, multipurpose hall, office, activity rooms, canteen, art gallery etc. The estimated cost of the project is approximately Rs. 7.0 crores (Rupees seven crores only). Mobilising this amount is no doubt a gigantic task, but we are not daunted by the magnitude of the requirement as we have immense and implicit faith in the society and its philanthropists to generate funds. We need your suggestions, help, assistance and co-operation to make the project a grand success, so that we can serve the society better and make you proud.

Progress on 2nd Phase Construction
Appeal for Funds
We solicit your patronage for this task in hand. You can help us in many ways; by contributing in cash or kind, or even getting friends to do so, who will be acknowledged and given due recognition by making them our honoured stakeholders. The Samaj will dedicate whole or part of the building, section, wing, hall, room in the name of the donor or in the memory of their beloved ones.
Any amount of donation through Cheque /Draft/ NEFT/ RTGS may be drawn in favour of : “CHITTARANJAN PARK BANGIYA SAMAJ”
Allahabad Bank
Branch – Chittaranjan Park
A/C No. – 20304927146
IFSC – ALLA0211083
Canara Bank
Branch – Chittaranjan Park
A/C No. – 6062101000306
IFSC – CNRB0006062
Tax Benefit
All the donations to Chittaranjan Park Bangiya Samaj are exempted under section 80G of the Income Tax Act. We look forward eagerly for your early positive response as our construction activity has already started and going on in full swing.
Thanking you,
Byomekesh Bose
Sreebash Bhattacharjee
General Secretary
For Further details
C-405, Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi-19
Tel : +91-11-26271437, 38, 9810190219, 9958017774, 9810358754
E-mail : bangiyasamaj@gmail.com
Website : www.bangiyasamaj.com